If you have a very high time scale you can do something like this to make it run multiple movement calculations per frame.
IAstarAI ai;
public void Awake () {
ai = GetComponent<IAstarAI>();
public void Update () {
// Make the AI not do any movement by itself
ai.canMove = false;
// Run the movement code multiple times per frame
int timeMultiplier = Mathf.Round(Time.timeScale);
for (int i = 0; i < timeMultiplier; i++) {
Vector3 nextPosition;
Quaternion nextRotation;
ai.MovementUpdate(Time.deltaTime / timeMultiplier, out nextPosition, out nextRotation);
ai.FinalizeMovement(nextPosition, nextRotation);
This may not work that well with local avoidance though, as that still runs at the same frame rate.