Astar 4.3.29 Does not show Grid graph in Scene view

@eric_kirschstein I did not have access to the folder you shared.

From what I can see in your screenshots you have unchecked all visualization options in the graph (Show Surface/Show Outline/Show Connections).

I clicked all on/off several times. Its just a bad screenshot.

I dont know how - i didnt change anything in the scripts or in astar, but it got fixed after unity reimported something after i merged another branch into my git project. No idea what happened - but luckily i can see the graph now.

Are you guys using Tilemap, URP/2D Renderer? The graph wasn’t showing for me no matter my settings. I found that if you bring up Tile Palette and set Focus On to something other than None, the graph gizmos finally show up. I sent @aron_granberg an email with more information. There are some other issues like unwalkable node settings not updating.

I don’t think this was happening in previous beta versions.


Ah. It turns out the 2D renderer does not have enough features to be able to support the gizmo drawing system :frowning: . Hopefully it will get the necessary features soon. Right now I think it’s impossible for me to implement support for it.
I have added a warning now when it detects you are using the 2D renderer and this will be included in the next update.

The Focus On toggle probably overrides the renderer to some other renderer which does happen to be supported.


I can confirm it worked in earlier versions of A* beta, this only changed a couple updates back. Are we able to use a legacy version of just the graph gizmos? Would the new version (4.3.31), prevent the Focus on tilemap trick from working? Kind of need to see those graphs and unwalkable nodes to debug :o

Btw, we’re still able to use ppv2 on some versions of URP. I’m currently still using it. Maybe this is what you changed a couple updates ago. How does this work for the built-in pipeline? Are you doing a check for URP and then attaching custom renderer features for all versions of URP? If so, where in the code can we disable this to make it work more like the builtin pipeline (assuming, it should still work, yeah?) You might need an additional define to check for ppv2, (UNITY_POST_PROCESSING_STACK_V2) if it’s a matter of post processing incompatibility.

You could try to find the DrawingManager.cs script. Then find the RefreshRenderPipelineMode method and then make it always set

detectedRenderPipeline = DetectedRenderPipeline.BuiltInOrCustom;


Thanks for the tip but doesn’t seem to work.

I would think it would since I’m using ppV2 but I guess not. If you can’t get it working, the tile palette Focus trick at least makes it show up for now, but not well. For example, the 2D lights seem to interfere with the graph tiles & unwalkable nodes. I may have to hook my events to a tool to disable them while debugging.

I’m not sure what’s holding up Unity’s status with 2D Renderer, but the lack of custom renderer features is concerning at this point.

I just ran into this issue where 2D graph visualization stopped working after upgrading from 4.2.15 to 4.3.38 (Unity 2020.1.16f1 and URP 8.3.1).

@aron_granberg any chance you could take a stab at fixing 2D graph visualization when using URP? As a data point, I downgraded back to 4.2.15 (free version), didn’t change any of my rendering settings within Unity, and graph visualization works flawlessly. I’d really like to upgrade to 4.3.38 (pro) and start using some pro features, but not being able to visualize the path graph is a deal breaker. The ‘tilemap focus’ work around discussed previously in this thread does not work consistently. I got it to work a couple times, but have not been able to get it to work since.

Also, not sure if it’s well known, but the ‘Graph Display’ menu in the scene view is hidden behind the Tilemap Focus menu (resizing the scene view does not help):

Graph Display hidden behind Tilemap Focus

If you’re using the URP and having issues seeing the gizmos try adding the AlineURPRenderPassFeature as a render feature to your forward rendering data asset. Personally I couldn’t see the gizmos in 4.3.29 and Unity 2020.2 until I made that change.

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@Jakob Hmm, it should be doing that automatically…

Perhaps it had something to do with me manually downloading and importing 4.3.x instead of using UPM?

I don’t think so… Maybe something has changed in newer versions of URP though.

it does not work for me either with URP in Unity 2020.2.4f1 and A* Pathfinding Project v4.3.41
I don’t see the grid… ?! (i have checked show surface, show outline, show connections and show graph)
… and i don’t have the ALINE asset for the fix above…

EDIT: I have buy ALINE now. It works, but i think ALINE is not active for faster displaying my grid?! It is very slow…


A* uses an internal reduced variant of ALINE to do its drawing. It should’t be affected by if you have purchased the ALINE package or not.

What kind of performance issue are you seeing? Do you have a screenshot of the profiler?

Hi @aron_granberg, I’m still having this exact issue where graphs are not drawn in the scene view (with Gizmos enabled and Show Graphs also enabled). This is while using the latest version of Astar (4.3.41 Pro), Unity 2020.3.0f1 and URP 10.3.2. When I downgrade to Astar 4.2.15 (free) graphs will display correctly in scene mode with Gizmos enabled and Show Graphs also enabled (with no other changes to the project, scene, or Pathfinder settings).

Might be worth noting that URP’s Forward Renderer does support render features. Not sure what you’re using to draw the graphs in scene mode, but if it’s post processing functionality you can find in URP’s Forward Renderer, then that should work. If it’s post processing functionality that is completely lacking from URP’s 2D Renderer then that may be the problem, and might require some sort of work around. But I will say that whatever you were using in 4.2.15 (free) is working as expected, so it seems likely that some change in how graphs are rendered between 4.2.15 and 4.3.x is worth investigating. Maybe if you can track down how graphs are rendered in 4.2.15 you could just add a conditional statement that detects whether URP and the 2D renderer is being used and then switches to using the 4.2.15 rendering code (not ideal, but it may work until URP’s 2D renderer fully supports custom post processing, or whatever functionality you currently require).

@krice are you using the URP 2D renderer?

Yes, unfortunately there are some issues with that. The 2D URP does as you say have very limited features.
How graph rendering was done has changed very significantly between 4.2.x and 4.3.x. But it has indeed caused some problems :confused:

@aron_granberg, yes, sort of. I’m using camera stacking with two cameras. The parent camera is using URP’s forward renderer, and simply frames the scene (camera movement, depth, etc). The child camera is using URP’s 2D renderer, and that’s the camera that is rendering the scene. Incidentally, using URP’s forward renderer on the parent camera allows me to apply a full screen custom post processing effect obviating the 2D renderer’s lack of render features for post processing.

How does graph rendering in 4.3.x choose the camera to render to? Is it simply using Camera.main? And is there maybe a field exposed that users could explicitly assign a camera to that renders the graphs? I’m curious to know whether 4.3.x is attempting to renderer to the main camera (which in my case uses URP’s forward renderer) or the perspective camera (which uses URP’s 2D renderer). If we can identify which camera graphs are attempting to be rendered to then we may narrow down the problem.

@aron_granberg Have this issue being solved ? Just came by and looking for an answer but I found nothing helpful thanks