Whenever I update connections, add new nodes, etc; I notice the debug color of the path changes (for me, it toggles back and forth between brown and blue). What does this mean?
Likely that’s just z fighting. The Seeker will draw the calculated path in green, it will also draw the un-smoothed path (i.e no modifiers applied) when the “draw detailed gizmos” field is enabled. The graph itself is by default coloured based on areas. An area is defined as a group of nodes where there is a valid path from any node in the area to any other node in the same area. So if there is no valid path between two nodes then they will have a different colour.
If you are modifying the graph during runtime and adding connections, possibly you are only adding one-way connections. That will in some cases confuse the system because there are no well defined areas. I recommend that you add two-way connections in most cases.