[Solved] GridGraph.Linecast does not return if an obstacle was hit


I have the following code:

bool hitsObstacle = graph.Linecast(start, end, out GraphHitInfo _, _tracedPathCache);

if I now debug and print out in the immediate window the walkability of each element in tracedPath as well as the return value, I get this:
as you can see, it hit an obstacle but the return value was false.

when changing the nodes of a grid graph, the neighboring connections need to be updated. Seems like the graph doesn’t check for walkability but for traversability (ignoring walkability).
here an example fix:

        public void MarkChange(GraphLayer layer, Vector2Int position, bool isWalkable)
            AstarPath.active.AddWorkItem(new AstarWorkItem(() =>
                var gg = this[layer];
                var node = gg.GetNode(position.x, position.y);

                node.Walkable = isWalkable;
                // by calculating connections, Linecasts can return if there is an obstacle in the way
                gg.CalculateConnectionsForCellAndNeighbours(node.XCoordinateInGrid, node.ZCoordinateInGrid);


Would you mind posting the full code that you use?
Also, which version do you use?

Here you go (fixed version of our code):

        public static bool IsStraightMovePossible(Vector3 start, Vector3 end, GraphMask graphMask)
            for (int i = 0; i < AstarPath.active.graphs.Length; i++)
                int mask = 1 << i;
                if ((mask & graphMask.value) == 0)

                if (AstarPath.active.graphs[i] is GridGraph graph)

                    // NOTE: [Bug in Astar Pathfinding Project?]
                    //       the return value of Linecast does not indicate if an obstacle is in the way
                    graph.Linecast(start, end, out GraphHitInfo _, _tracedPathCache);
                    bool hitsObstacle = _tracedPathCache.Any(o => !o.Walkable);

                    // An empty traced path means we are linecasting from a node which is marked
                    // not walkable, which results in an early out in the AStar Linecast implementation
                    if (_tracedPathCache.Count == 0)
                        return false;

                    if (hitsObstacle)
                        return false;
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Only Grid Graphs are supported.");


            return true;

Edit: we recently updated to version 4.2.18

Are you updating the graph manually in some way?

yes, but they were not updated during the linecast (loaded a savegame, map didn’t change, then the characters spawned).

Edit: To make it clear: the graph is changed directly after loading the savegame.

How do you do these updates?

by using PathGraphManager.MarkChange()

That’s not an api that is part of this package.

Ha, you are right… that’s a helper class we wrote…
Here is the API:

        public void MarkChange(GraphLayer layer, Vector2Int position, bool isWalkable)
            AstarPath.active.AddWorkItem(new AstarWorkItem(() =>
                var gg = this[layer];
                var node = gg.GetNode(position.x, position.y);

                node.Walkable = isWalkable;

Edit: and this for initialization:

                AstarPath.active.AddWorkItem(new AstarWorkItem(ctx =>
                    for (int y = 0; y < gg.depth; y++)
                        for (int x = 0; x < gg.width; x++)
                            var node = gg.GetNode(x, y);
                            node.Walkable = true;
                    gg.GetNodes(node => gg.CalculateConnections((GridNodeBase)node));

On grid graphs, this will leave the node in a partially invalid state.
You need to make sure to update the neighbouring connections as well.

E.g. using


like this?

gg.CalculateConnectionsForCellAndNeighbours(node.XCoordinateInGrid, node.ZCoordinateInGrid);

Edit: Tested it. Seems to work now :partying_face:

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Hmm… after connecting the cell neighbors, I encountered the opposite behavior at another Linecast spot:
here “hitsObstacle” should be false, but isn’t…

Edit: the equation in GridGenerator line 2822 does not become 0 but -1024:
if (error + xerror/2 * (neighbourXOffsets[ndir] + neighbourXOffsets[d]) + zerror/2 * (neighbourZOffsets[ndir]+neighbourZOffsets[d]) == 0)
therefore the nextNode remains null and true is returned.
Unfortunately, The code is too complex to understand what it does, so this is all information I can provide.

Sorry, I’m stupid: I do a line cast into a blocked tile.

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