Question about SimpleMovementPlane

I am currently creating my own movement script based on your AIPath. My game is 2D, and I have copied some of your code, which seems to be working for now. The movement plane is defined by a new Quaternion(-0.67677f, -0.20491f, 0.20491f, 0.67677f). Since my game is in 2D, I would like to know if it is possible to completely remove the movement plane from the calculations.

 private static readonly SimpleMovementPlane movementPlane =
            new SimpleMovementPlane(new Quaternion(-0.67677f, -0.20491f, 0.20491f, 0.67677f));

        public Vector3 MovementUpdate(float deltaTime, float speed, Vector3 simulatedPosition)
            float currentAcceleration = 2.5f * speed;
            var steeringTarget = SkipWayPoints(simulatedPosition);
            var dir = movementPlane.ToPlane(steeringTarget - simulatedPosition);

            var forwards = movementPlane.ToPlane(Quaternion.identity * Vector3.up);

            var distanceToEnd = (simulatedPosition - Path[0]).sqrMagnitude;
            if (distanceToEnd < CommonConstant.PathEndReachedDistance)
                ReachedDestination = true;

            velocity2D +=
                CalculateAccelerationToReachPoint(dir, dir.normalized * speed, velocity2D, currentAcceleration,
                    speed, forwards) * deltaTime;
            velocity2D = Vector2.ClampMagnitude(velocity2D, speed);

            var delta2D = Vector2.ClampMagnitude(velocity2D * deltaTime, distanceToEnd);

            return simulatedPosition + movementPlane.ToWorld(delta2D);

        private Vector3 SkipPoints(Vector3 currentPosition)
            while (curPathIndex > 1 &&
                   VectorMath.ClosestPointOnLineFactor(Path[curPathIndex], Path[curPathIndex - 1], currentPosition) > 1)

            var circleCenter = movementPlane.ToPlane(currentPosition);

            while (curPathIndex > 1 &&
                   (movementPlane.ToPlane(Path[curPathIndex - 1]) - circleCenter).sqrMagnitude <

            var factor = VectorMath.LineCircleIntersectionFactor(circleCenter,
                movementPlane.ToPlane(Path[curPathIndex]), movementPlane.ToPlane(Path[curPathIndex - 1]),

            var t = Math.Clamp(factor, 0, 1);
            return Vector3.Lerp(Path[curPathIndex], Path[curPathIndex - 1], t);

        private Vector2 CalculateAccelerationToReachPoint(Vector2 deltaPosition, Vector2 targetVelocity,
            Vector2 currentVelocity, float forwardsAcceleration, float maxSpeed, Vector2 forwardsVector)
            // Guard against div by zero
            if (forwardsAcceleration <= 0) return;

            float currentSpeed = currentVelocity.magnitude;

            // Transform coordinates to local space where +X is the forwards direction
            // This is essentially equivalent to Transform.InverseTransformDirection.
            deltaPosition = VectorMath.ComplexMultiplyConjugate(deltaPosition, forwardsVector);
            targetVelocity = VectorMath.ComplexMultiplyConjugate(targetVelocity, forwardsVector);
            currentVelocity = VectorMath.ComplexMultiplyConjugate(currentVelocity, forwardsVector);
            float ellipseSqrFactor = 1 / (forwardsAcceleration * forwardsAcceleration);

            // If the target velocity is zero we can use a more fancy approach
            // and calculate a nicer path.
            // In particular, this is the case at the end of the path.
            if (targetVelocity ==
                // Run a binary search over the time to get to the target point.
                float mn = 0.01f;
                float mx = 10;
                while (mx - mn > 0.01f)
                    var time = (mx + mn) * 0.5f;

                    // Given that we want to move deltaPosition units from out current position, that our current velocity is given
                    // and that when we reach the target we want our velocity to be zero. Also assume that our acceleration will
                    // vary linearly during the slowdown. Then we can calculate what our acceleration should be during this frame.

                    //{ t = time
                    //{ deltaPosition = vt + at^2/2 + qt^3/6
                    //{ 0 = v + at + qt^2/2
                    //{ solve for a
                    // a = acceleration vector
                    // q = derivative of the acceleration vector
                    var a = (6 * deltaPosition - 4 * time * currentVelocity) / (time * time);
                    var q = 6 * (time * currentVelocity - 2 * deltaPosition) / (time * time * time);

                    // Make sure the acceleration is not greater than our maximum allowed acceleration.
                    // If it is we increase the time we want to use to get to the target
                    // and if it is not, we decrease the time to get there faster.
                    // Since the acceleration is described by acceleration = a + q*t
                    // we only need to check at t=0 and t=time.
                    // Note that the acceleration limit is described by an ellipse, not a circle.
                    var nextA = a + q * time;
                    if (a.x * a.x * ellipseSqrFactor + a.y * a.y * ellipseSqrFactor > 1.0f ||
                        nextA.x * nextA.x * ellipseSqrFactor + nextA.y * nextA.y * ellipseSqrFactor > 1.0f)
                        mn = time;
                        mx = time;

                var finalAcceleration = (6 * deltaPosition - 4 * mx * currentVelocity) / (mx * mx);

                // Boosting
                    // The trajectory calculated above has a tendency to use very wide arcs
                    // and that does unfortunately not look particularly good in some cases.
                    // Here we amplify the component of the acceleration that is perpendicular
                    // to our current velocity. This will make the agent turn towards the
                    // target quicker.
                    // How much amplification to use. Value is unitless.
                    const float Boost = 1;
                    finalAcceleration.y *= 1 + Boost;

                    // Clamp the velocity to the maximum acceleration.
                    // Note that the maximum acceleration constraint is shaped like an ellipse, not like a circle.
                    float ellipseMagnitude = finalAcceleration.x * finalAcceleration.x * ellipseSqrFactor +
                                             finalAcceleration.y * finalAcceleration.y * ellipseSqrFactor;
                    if (ellipseMagnitude > 1.0f) finalAcceleration /= Mathf.Sqrt(ellipseMagnitude);

                return VectorMath.ComplexMultiply(finalAcceleration, forwardsVector);
                // Here we try to move towards the next waypoint which has been modified slightly using our
                // desired velocity at that point so that the agent will more smoothly round the corner.

                // How much to strive for making sure we reach the target point with the target velocity. Unitless.
                const float TargetVelocityWeight = 0.5f;

                // Limit to how much to care about the target velocity. Value is in seconds.
                // This prevents the character from moving away from the path too much when the target point is far away
                const float TargetVelocityWeightLimit = 1.5f;
                float targetSpeed;
                var normalizedTargetVelocity = VectorMath.Normalize(targetVelocity, out targetSpeed);

                var distance = deltaPosition.magnitude;
                var targetPoint = deltaPosition - normalizedTargetVelocity *
                    System.Math.Min(TargetVelocityWeight * distance * targetSpeed / (currentSpeed + targetSpeed),
                        maxSpeed * TargetVelocityWeightLimit);

                // How quickly the agent will try to reach the velocity that we want it to have.
                // We need this to prevent oscillations and jitter which is what happens if
                // we let the constant go towards zero. Value is in seconds.
                const float TimeToReachDesiredVelocity = 0.1f;
                // TODO: Clamp to ellipse using more accurate acceleration (use rotation speed as well)
                var finalAcceleration = (targetPoint.normalized * maxSpeed - currentVelocity) *
                                        (1f / TimeToReachDesiredVelocity);

                // Clamp the velocity to the maximum acceleration.
                // Note that the maximum acceleration constraint is shaped like an ellipse, not like a circle.
                float ellipseMagnitude = finalAcceleration.x * finalAcceleration.x * ellipseSqrFactor +
                                         finalAcceleration.y * finalAcceleration.y * ellipseSqrFactor;
                if (ellipseMagnitude > 1.0f) finalAcceleration /= Mathf.Sqrt(ellipseMagnitude);

                return VectorMath.ComplexMultiply(finalAcceleration, forwardsVector);


Not quite sure what rotation that quaternion actually corresponds to. It doesn’t look like a pure 90 degree rotation?

For a 2D game, what you typically want is for the movement plane to translate your (x,y,z) coordinates to (x,y), and for 3D games you typically want to translate (x,y,z) to (x,z). So you should be able to replace the movement plane with:

ToWorld(float2 p, float elevation = 0) => new float3(p.x, p.y, -elevation);
ToPlane(float3 p) => p.xy;

The quaternion is copied at runtime; it originates from AstarData.GetGraph(path.path[0]).transform.ToSimpleMovementPlane() within the UpdateMovementPlane() method. The values of this quaternion seem very unusual to me, which is why I want to remove it from my code. I set up the Astar script last year (I’m using a hexagonal tilemap and aligned it using the ‘Align with Tilemap’ button) and haven’t modified it since. Do you have any ideas on how to trace the source of this quaternion?

protected virtual void UpdateMovementPlane () {
			if (path.path == null || path.path.Count == 0) return;
			var graph = AstarData.GetGraph(path.path[0]) as ITransformedGraph;
			IMovementPlane graphTransform = graph != null ? graph.transform : (orientation == OrientationMode.YAxisForward ? new GraphTransform(Matrix4x4.TRS(, Quaternion.Euler(-90, 270, 90), : GraphTransform.identityTransform);

			movementPlane = graphTransform.ToSimpleMovementPlane();

Well, you can convert it to euler angles, which should make it much easier to interpret. Quaternions are generally very hard to interpret directly.