Having more than 32 tags and large ennemies

Hi I’m making an rts/tower defense.
I need to tag overlaping zone. For example there is zone near tower and road zone.
Some monsters avoid tower, other don’t. Sometimes a road overlap a tower range zone.

The solution I use is to use one bit of the tag to register each type of zone. For example a zone with tag in binarie 01 is road, a zone with tag 10 is near a tower, and a zone with a road and near a tower is 11. I then give for each monster a penaltie for each kind of tag it react.
It works, but the problem is that I need for than 4 bits (limited by the 32 of the number of tag). How can I ncrease this number ?

Another problem:
Also, some of my monster are big, bigger than a grid square of the pathfind. So I flag square around wall and give that flag pennaltie for these kind of monster to avoid them to be too much near to wall. Is their a better solution ?

Screenshot of the game:



That requires a bit of hacking. If you open the GraphNode.cs script, you can see the definition of the “tags” property, it is bit-packed into another variable (flags) for memory reasons. You can modify the bit-packing information to give the tags property more bits to use, and thereby more options.

Yes I’ve hack into the code. Gave me some problem, but it looks like it works now.