Hi I’m making an rts/tower defense.
I need to tag overlaping zone. For example there is zone near tower and road zone.
Some monsters avoid tower, other don’t. Sometimes a road overlap a tower range zone.
The solution I use is to use one bit of the tag to register each type of zone. For example a zone with tag in binarie 01 is road, a zone with tag 10 is near a tower, and a zone with a road and near a tower is 11. I then give for each monster a penaltie for each kind of tag it react.
It works, but the problem is that I need for than 4 bits (limited by the 32 of the number of tag). How can I ncrease this number ?
Another problem:
Also, some of my monster are big, bigger than a grid square of the pathfind. So I flag square around wall and give that flag pennaltie for these kind of monster to avoid them to be too much near to wall. Is their a better solution ?
Screenshot of the game: