Extending (Layer)GridGraph

hi @aron_granberg,
I have one question about extending GridGraph and LevelGridNode to store additional data.

I’ve found several similar topics but they are either unanswered or outdated:

What I’ve done so far is:

  1. Created subclass of LayeredGridGraph and LevelGridNode
  2. In the LayeredGridGraph constructor I’ve changed the newGridNodeDelegate to return my extended node class.

But quickly skimming through the source of LayeredGridGraph Generator there are 2 or 3 calls to the LevelGridNode constructor explicitly. Should I be worried about them or should I override all the methods that are calling it and replace it with the call to my subclass?

I am asking it because at first glance it seems that my custom graph contains my custom nodes, so everything is looking okay, but I have some doubts because of those direct constructor calls that might lead to some unexpected behavior later on.


Generally, I would recommend instead keeping a Dictionary<GraphNode, YourDataType> to avoid having to mess with the internals of the pathfinding package. But yes, you can create a subclass and replace the delegate if you want. There are a few cases where I’ve missed to use the delegate (I’ll fix those in the next beta update), but they are only run if you either update the graph using the RecalculateCell method, or save and load a graph to/from a file.

It would be awesome if the delegate was used everywhere.

I totally prefer this approach instead of the dictionary to be honest. Also I am loading/saving the graphs all over the place.

EDIT: Oh, I see it is already fixed in 4.3.78, That’s really awesome.
But I have to ask - why would you recommend the dictionary approach? Isn’t that the delegate meant for such cases? My graph subclass basically only consists of the delegate specification, so it is really minimal and I don’t have to mess with any of the internals at all :slight_smile:

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It’s mostly that the dictionary approach avoids you having to mess with the internals at all. But if the delegate approach works for you, then that’s totally fine.