[BUG][4.3.29] Gizmos of pointnode are not visibles

Plugin version 4.3.29 PRO
Unity version 20.1b16

After adding point node to graph, they are not visible in scene view


             for (int i = 0; i < demand.NodeToAdd.Length; i++)
                    var pos  = demand.NodeToAdd[i];
                    var node = _pointNodePool.RemoveLast();

                    //target graph index is 1
                    if (node.GraphIndex == 0)
                        graph.AddNode(node, (Int3)(Vector3)GridHelper.GridToWorldSpace(pos));
                    Debug.Log($"Add node at {(Int3)(Vector3)GridHelper.GridToWorldSpace(pos)}");
                    var posNorth = (Vector3)GridHelper.GridToWorldSpace(pos + new int3(0, 0, 1));
                    var posEast  = (Vector3)GridHelper.GridToWorldSpace(pos + new int3(1, 0, 0));
                    var posSouth = (Vector3)GridHelper.GridToWorldSpace(pos + new int3(0, 0, -1));
                    var posWest  = (Vector3)GridHelper.GridToWorldSpace(pos + new int3(-1, 0, 0));

                    var northResult = graph.GetNearest(posNorth);

                    //make sure we have a result and it's the good node
                    if (northResult.node != null && northResult.node.position == (Int3)posNorth)
                        northResult.node.AddConnection(node, NodeDefaultCost);
                        node.AddConnection(northResult.node, NodeDefaultCost);

                    var eastResult = graph.GetNearest(posNorth);

                    if (eastResult.node != null && eastResult.node.position == (Int3)posEast)
                        eastResult.node.AddConnection(node, NodeDefaultCost);
                        node.AddConnection(eastResult.node, NodeDefaultCost);

                    var southResult = graph.GetNearest(posNorth);

                    if (southResult.node != null && southResult.node.position == (Int3)posSouth)
                        southResult.node.AddConnection(node, NodeDefaultCost);
                        node.AddConnection(southResult.node, NodeDefaultCost);

                    var westResult = graph.GetNearest(posNorth);

                    if (westResult.node != null && westResult.node.position == (Int3)posWest)
                        westResult.node.AddConnection(node, NodeDefaultCost);
                        node.AddConnection(westResult.node, NodeDefaultCost);


I can confirm you, nodes have been added to the graph via my unit tests