Accuracy of recast mesh when using tags

Hey there,

In the image above I am wanting to have the area mapped perfectly to the depressed area in the middle (call it water). I can’t seem to find a way to get the recast mesh to create vertices and edges that respect the exact borders, transitioning into the new tagged area, similar to how it does when there’s a wall blocking (on the left).

Without this level of accuracy I cant use for my solution, and simply reducing the cell and tile size to that granularity seems like overkill as many spaces are wide open.

Unity’s built in recast (provided via the git extensions for navsurface) does this perfectly, however that solution still has a closed source nav agent :confused:

Is there a solution I am missing to this, or any plans to implement?

Below is example of Unity built in soution.

It looks like recastMeshObj almost solves this, but I would like to then use that cut to assign a tag, as the binary walkable/not walkable isn’t suitable for me. When paired with the GraphUpdateScene, it appears that only applies a tag with the granularity of the mesh, pre the additional cuts made by the

Sorry I had two more images to show this but I can only put 2 in the post as a new user :slight_smile:

Recast with only GraphUpdateScene
Recast withour

Recast with GraphUpdateScene RecastMeshObj
RecastWith recastMeshObj

Finally, RecastObjMesh and GraphUpdateScene, with a tile size thats more sensible.
The navmesh is cut in roughly the right place, but the GraphUpdateScene seems to still ignore the tris inside the area, post the additional cuts from the RecastObjMesh.



I do have plans to make the RecastMeshObj automatically tag the created nodes as well. With the RecastMeshObj you should be able to make it create a seam in the navmesh there and then use a GraphUpdateScene component on top that tags all nodes inside it. It’s not the most convenient workflow though I do agree.

Hmmm, I am already using both components, and not getting that result - my last post shows this.

I have no issue using both components, it’s that the mesh isn’t accurately cut, nor tagged.

What are your settings?