Get node by grid column and row coordinates?

I have a procedural grid setup, where each tile perfectly matches the size of each node in a layered grid graph. I can reference each tile in my tilemap with a row and column coordinate, but am unsure on how to find a node using similar approach.

I have looked at GetNodesInRegion(Bounds bounds), but it requires that I create a bounds object in order to pass as an argument. I was hoping to get a node quicker without creating a bounds object every time.

I have also looked at GetNearest (Vector3 position), but I am worried that a position perfectly in-between two nodes could lead to problems.

Is there a way I can just give 2 coordinates and get back a node? Here is a random image I found showing the general idea: . So the bottom left node of a grid is (0,0), to it’s right is (1,0) and so forth.

I think I got what I needed from a reply to another post. Looks like this code will get access to a node by grid coords: AstarWorkItem(ctx => {
        var gg =;
        for (int z = 0; z < gg.depth; z++) {
            for (int x = 0; x < gg.width; x++) {
                var node = gg.nodes[z*gg.width + x];