AI Seeker Not Moving

I just started using this pathfinding system for my 2D project, and I’m having some trouble getting it to move one of my AI enemies. I’m following the “Getting Started” tutorial, and everything was working fine up until the point at which I was supposed to make the enemy move.

I entered the code exactly as suggested, until it told me that I needed to add a Character Controller component and subsequently remove the BoxCollider2D/Rigidbody2D components. Even then, when I did so, it still gave me the following errors, refused to move, and yet still kept printing out console text saying the path was completed.

“CharacterController.Move called on inactive controller”
“Step Offset must be less or equal to + * 2”

Am I missing something here?

EDIT: Okay, by changing the values of Scaled Height and Scaled Radius, I was able to get it to move, but the AI seems to stop when it gets to the waypoint, then continues going in that direction after a split second, over and over.


Currently the get started tutorial is not suited for a 2D project. The Unity component CharacterControllers does not work properly in 2D. You can instead try to simply move the object using transform.Translate(direction * Time.deltaTime) which will work even in 2D (though it will not collide with any colliders, for that you will have to do the movement with the Rigidbody2D component).