Windows 8.1 Phone, graph not exist, plugins shows errors after build

(Pro version, latest from the asset store, 3.7)
Urgent, trying to release on Windows Phone 8.1!


I’am releasing a phone game for Android, Mac and Windows phone. In Android and Mac no trouble. On Windows Phone 8.1 build, even on Universal 8.1 build on x86 version on desktop does not have the predefined Grid Graph.

After building the Windows Phone 8.1 version I get error messages in the Unity debug console for your integrated plugins: Clipper and DotNetZip (JsonFX set to don’t process): (168 errors)

Reference rewriter: Error: method System.Void System.ComponentModel.DescriptionAttribute::.ctor(System.String) doesn’t exist in target framework. It is referenced from Pathfinding.Ionic.Zip.Reduced.dll at Pathfinding.Ionic.ComparisonOperator.
PostProcessWinRT:RunReferenceRewriter() (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/PlatformDependent/WinRT/SharedSources/CSharp/PostProcessWinRT.cs:558)
PostProcessUniversal81:RunReferenceRewriter() (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/PlatformDependent/MetroPlayer/Extensions/Managed/PostProcessUniversal81.cs:123)
PostProcessWinRT:Process() (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/PlatformDependent/WinRT/SharedSources/CSharp/PostProcessWinRT.cs:118)
PostProcessUniversal81:Process() (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/PlatformDependent/MetroPlayer/Extensions/Managed/PostProcessUniversal81.cs:42)

However, I got a Windows project and I can open the project and build the ARM and x86 version. My problem is, that after starting my game the predefined Grid Graph does not exist and I get a null pointer exception:

Pathfinding.GridGraph gridGraph =;
gridGraph.width = mapSize; <-- exception
gridGraph.depth = mapSize;

This code is the Unity Start() call phase. Am I have to set one of your classes at the very beginning in the code execution order?

Thanks in advance for your help!


Have you taken a look at this page:

Thanks for your fast answer!

I already disabled the JsonFx and the DotNetZip (Don’t process to true) and also disabled it in the A* options. But what about the other 2 plugins, Clipper and Poly2Tri? Poly2Tri shows no error messages in Unity, but the Clipper dll does at the end of the Windows Phone build.

Can I disable all the dll’s, I just use one grid graph?

Finaly works, disabled the Clipper too and had have to build 2 times under Visual Studio, strange. The first build failed for unknown reason… But that’s another bug :smile:

Great that it works now :smile:

Odd, I have never seen the clipper library cause errors before.
What errors did you get?

Clipper error messages:

Reference rewriter: Error: method System.Void System.Collections.Generic.List1<System.Collections.Generic.List1<Pathfinding.ClipperLib.IntPoint>>::ForEach(System.Action1<!0>)doesn't exist in target framework. It is referenced from Pathfinding.ClipperLib.dll at System.Void Pathfinding.ClipperLib.Clipper::ReversePolygons(System.Collections.Generic.List1<System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Pathfinding.ClipperLib.IntPoint>>).
PostProcessWinRT:RunReferenceRewriter() (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/PlatformDependent/WinRT/SharedSources/CSharp/PostProcessWinRT.cs:558)
PostProcessWinRT:Process() (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/PlatformDependent/WinRT/SharedSources/CSharp/PostProcessWinRT.cs:118)


Reference rewriter: Error: method System.Void System.Collections.Generic.List1<System.Collections.Generic.List1<Pathfinding.ClipperLib.IntPoint>>::ForEach(System.Action1<!0>)doesn't exist in target framework. It is referenced from Pathfinding.ClipperLib.dll at System.Void Pathfinding.ClipperLib.Clipper::ReversePaths(System.Collections.Generic.List1<System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Pathfinding.ClipperLib.IntPoint>>).
PostProcessWinRT:RunReferenceRewriter() (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/PlatformDependent/WinRT/SharedSources/CSharp/PostProcessWinRT.cs:558)
PostProcessWinRT:Process() (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/PlatformDependent/WinRT/SharedSources/CSharp/PostProcessWinRT.cs:118)

If I don’t process the Clipper:

The VS project still created. Worser is the Clipper.dll failure in the built windows store package certification process…
Windows App Certification Kit 10.0 validate the package for the store.
On Windows 10, Unity 5.2.3f, Build for Windows Phone 8.1

At all, I got the messages above (process the Clipper DLL, else validation will fail), the VS project still created and I can create a Windows store package, which can be validated successfully against that “Windows App Certification Kit 10.0” tool.

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