Why IsPossiblePath not work

I’m create path vector3 array.
Next create nodes array on based vector (strong on grid)

void CreateNodePath(Vector3[] vectors){
foreach(Vector3 vector in vectors){

and test path PathUtilities.IsPathPossible(_pathNodes) this always return true, but one point of path have a collider(without raycast ignore layer).

i’m try set A* setting min area to 0 and other. How test path??

P.S. PathUtilities.IsPathPossible i use in update. My player move and test path every frame.I’m moved box collider to path and IsPathPossible must return false/but return true.

I’m understand why not work )
I see source and Understand…

public static bool IsPathPossible (List nodes) {
int area = nodes[0].area;
for (int i=0;i<nodes.Count;i++) if (!nodes[i].walkable || nodes[i].area != area) return false;
return true;

And i have other question. How test node ? walkable or unwalkable?

To test if a node is walkable or unwalkable you simply access its .walkable field.
Node node = AstarPath.active.GetNearest (transform.position).node; if (node.walkable) { //Do stuff }

Thanks, but I already figured out myself :slight_smile: