Why is my path being random?

Good morning all, I have brought the PRO version of A* and I’m having some issues. I am using the nav-mesh Generation. I am telling my AI To find the nearest crate, He does that and generates a new path to this crate. But the path is makes is all over the place. He is also having problems going up inclines (This may be an issue with my character controller) and just wanted some advice on how I could possible fix both issues. I will include a picture.

On a side note I also have some issue with the generated navmesh gooin up hills, I will also include a picture.
Thank you!

p.s Blue is good, Red is unaccessable and yellow is? trying to figure that one out too :slight_smile:

Navemesh Generated

Path Generated

And issues with path going through terrain


Try adding the Funnel Modifier to the same Game Object as your Seeker is attached to.

Regarding PS: The colors just denote separate areas of the mesh. They are all walkable. (though yellow areas usually indicate that it is a very small area, but that’s just because area id 255 happens to give a yellow color).

The Funnel modifier has helped indeed, Its still going through the terrain a bit but I think I need to re-program my whole movement class. Its based off a character controller but I realized I need them to be a bit more physical. Will hopefully fix some of my other issues (E.g my character bending forwards when moving, and scooting across the floor)


Regarding the bending forwards:
When setting the rotation of your character. Convert it to euler angles and set the x and z components of the rotation to 0, then reapply the rotation based on the new euler angles.
This will make sure the rotation is only on the Y axis so it will not bend forwards.