I’m using the PointGraph and have some obstacles for my AI, but when the IA try to avoid the obstacles it get stuck in one of the nodes (one of the points to make the graph), and I don’t understand why this happens.
To make the graph I put some spheres above the soil, them colliders and renders are deactivated. Then in for the graph I’m using the tag, and a layer for the mask of obstacles, the max distance is 0. And last in my controller the Next Waypoint Distance is 0.5.
Well, at really I’m using the same way to move the Character that you use in the examples of “get started” so, the problem is that the CharacterController have 4 units in height and the “nextWaypointDistance” is set to 0.5 units. So when the path is more close to the ground, there exists more than 0.5 units of distance between the center of the Character controller and the next node of the path, and the CharacterController cannot sink into the ground, fot that’s the jittering