Where is the documentation on these parameters?

I feel dumb… So I’m using RichAI, but I can’t find any info online about these:


It’s not on any of the documentation pages I looked at I don’t think? I Ctrl+F on any that I found with RichAI at the top.

Currently just trying to figure out how to lower the ‘quality’ of the pathfinding. So they don’t take as sharp of turns.

I believe these fields correspond to the AutoRepathPolicy class.

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Is this how I change the quality of the pathfinding? Or is erosion the only solution to that?

Right now my agents are just falling off the sides, but I don’t want to make their radius bigger.

wanted to bump this. Still need an answer.


I have no idea what you mean by pathfinding quality.
In any case, I don’t think these parameters are what you are looking for.

So I’m just trying to look for the best way to make it so the agents don’t cut corners so much. Like taking wider turns and staying away from the edges a bit more.

I saw some talk about erosion tags, but I wasn’t sure where the best place to find information about how to use them with my Recast Graph.

wanted to follow up on this. Really struggling to find an answer on the forum through search. I just need good info on erosion tags it looks like?


Generally you’d increase either erosion iterations, or the collision testing → diameter setting.
You can also use erosion to apply tags, and then make your seeker’s add a high penalty for traversing those nodes that are close to walls.
See GridGraph - A* Pathfinding Project

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So I can’t use Erosion with recast graphs then I assume? I couldn’t find that setting in it. Only Grid graph.

For recast graphs, the equivalent setting is the agent diameter setting.

‘character radius’?

or is there a different one?

Yes, sorry, I misremembered the name.

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