There are a lot of settings that have no tool-tip or explanation I can find. For instance; what is “Max Nearest Node” or “Min Area Size”?
I am having some trouble path finding over distances, and I think it is settings related. I have no way to really know though because these settings are a mystery. Would love to know where in the documentation I can find a concise list of them.
ahh. it is buried in the class definition. thanks!
Though for most things there are actually tooltips. I am not sure why Unity did not show it for you, but it is definitely set in the code for ‘Max Nearest Node Distance’ (not sure about ‘Min Area Size’ because in my latest dev version I have removed that field, it is configured automatically now for ease of use). I know that sometimes Unity can be a bit picky about when it shows tooltips and when it doesn’t, sometimes you have to move away from the control and then hover over it again for it to show.