Changing the settings from very large to very small seems to play no part in my agents path calculations with or without RVO
Could someone explain how this radius is useful or to be used?
Changing the settings from very large to very small seems to play no part in my agents path calculations with or without RVO
Could someone explain how this radius is useful or to be used?
As I explained in an earlier thread. You are moving the character yourself by reading the steering target property. The steering target is the point on the pat that the agent wants to move to, it doesn’t use any local avoidance information at all, so it’s not strange that your characters are ignoring each other.
If the agent generates a green path, and that path avoids other agents, how does following that path via a steering target not do local avoidance?
Or are you saying- that local avoidance is separate from the green path im seeing in the debug view? if so, how can i get info from the proper local avoidance path, not the default green one.
Yes, the green path is from pathfinding. You are using navmesh cuts for your stationary agents it seems, and the green path would then avoid those of course. However, local avoidance is separate from pathfinding. Read more about it here
Check out the mecanim bridge script I mentioned in another thread. It uses the MovementUpdate ( function which allows you to calculate exactly how the agent wants to move (including local avoidance and everything) and then use that information for moving it if you want.
I’ve read that, still feel like it doesnt explain how local avoidance works with that green path?
Every frame are we trying to follow the path but and the end of the frame we check if we should side step off the green path? or whats going on? I thought that was what Agent Time Horizon, Repath Rate, and Pick Next Waypoint Dis were doing in conjunction? But I don’t understand which is calling the shots on avoidance.
Is there some kind of way to debug draw the local avoidance line as opposed to the green line that we are “pseudo following” ?
I am definitely going to try to remove the AI Path, and just use the RVO Controller with
controller.SetTarget(targetPoint, _minRootMotionSpeed, _maxRootMotionSpeed);
var delta = controller.CalculateMovementDelta(transform.position, Time.deltaTime);