What is the best way to implement Strafe with FollowerEntity?

  • A* version: 5.2.4
  • Unity version: 6000.0.24

I’m using FollowerEntity to create an enemy AI. It’s a 3D souls-like game and I wanted to implement a simple function that makes the enemy Strafe when he’s close to the player.

I have two transforms as targets. One is Position Target and one is Look At Target. I assigned Position Target to the target variable of AIDestinationSetter and Look At Target to a separate script that I created. What I did was very simple. I set FollowerEntity.rotation to the direction in which the AI ​​is looking at the Look At Target.

I simply predicted that the AI ​​would move to the Position Target and rotate to look at the Look At Target.

However, the AI ​​could only move in the direction it was looking, and it couldn’t move if the rotation direction was too different from the direction in which the Position Target was.

I don’t know if this is the intended behavior, but I’m curious how to change the position and rotation when using FollowerEntity.

P.S. I tried to attach a 2.5MB GIF file, but it was canceled because it said that files over 16MB are restricted. The sizing seems weird, but I’ve added a Google Drive link to the GIF below anyway.


Hmm this might be a case where it would help if you could post your code as well, if you can :slight_smile: I also recommend checking out this page of the documentation about an example script for circling a target.

Here is the code. I originally used AIDestinationSetter to specify the location, but I simplified it into code. The result is the same.

    void Update()
        followerEntity.destination = destinationTarget.position;
        followerEntity.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(lookAtTarget.position - transform.position);

In this code, I expected:

  1. AI moves to the location of destinationTarget.position.

  2. AI looks in the direction of lookAtTarget.

2 worked, but 1 didn’t.

I read the manual for MoveInCircle and actually tested it, but this only makes the AI ​​rotate around the target, and the AI ​​still only looks in the direction it is moving. In other words, rotation and velocity can’t be handled separately.

What I want is for the AI ​​to move left and right while looking at the player. I think this was possible when I used RichAI a long time ago, so I think it’s a bug.

I solved this problem now.

After separating the Rotation Sync of FolliwerEntity, I used FollowerEntity.transform.rotation instead of FollowerEntity.rotation.

Eyup that’s exactly where I was gonna go after reading your previous reply, nicely done!