Using more than one graphs one seeker

Hello, how to use more than one graphs for a single seeker? Thanks!


For what purpose do you want to use multiple graphs?
Often there are simpler solutions that do not require multiple graphs.

For example the big stage divided into several graphs

Hi, ive looked all around the web and havent found an answer - how do i link two graphs together?

the green one is a different graph, and im forced to use 2 of the because that one is under the roof, while others are outside, but the npc just stops at the border of green one.
Again i looked through all the google*+pathfinding+“connect+graphs”&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b
a* pathfinding “link graphs” < also nope


I do not see why you need two graphs for that?
If this is because you need multiple layers in the graph, I recommend using the recast graph or the layered grid graph in the pro version.

I usually discourage people from linking together graphs like this if it can be avoided since there are often multiple downsides. In particular it often leads to tricky situations when an agent is right on the edge between two graphs.
Same as for @Jekelskaz, if this is because you need multiple layers in the graph, I recommend using the recast graph or the layered grid graph in the pro version.

ah its marketing strategy? thats why you avoid talking about it all the time, and there are so much similar unanswered topics here?
I mean i cant believe that “tricky situations” could not be solved by author of this package for all those years. i mean come on man, ok you dont have to answer i can see already my situation.

Again im not stupid, there is nothing that can stop you from treating 2 graphs as one,
as they both are just sets of data, and in my example that piece inside could with SAME geometry be part of the same graph and then whats the difference? that they use different sets of rules? That is absolutely no problem if you were to allow to create “append” graphs that share same properties, but use separate “scanners”
so yeah. Im broke ass atm and i can’t buy your pro version, so i can only rant cuz im angry.


No, I have not been answering many questions for some time because I have not had so much time the last week.
I have tried several times to implement good links, but so far I have not found a good and stable approach that I am happy with. I really would like to have a good solution, but unfortunately at the moment I am not that happy with the currently available one. It does work reasonably well in some situations, if you would like to explain a bit more about what the desired behavior in your game is and how you are setting up the graphs, it may be that this approach will work.

For some situations, yes, but graphs can be rotated, have different node sizes, have different sizes altogether, overlap and do all sorts of things, all which would have to be accounted for in a general solution.

That is why im telling you to implement specific “sub” graphs that share exactly the same properties so they can be treated like one, the only difference is that they are positioned differently, from the point of view of the searcher its still one graph. Like whats the problem? How they are linked? well link based on proximity, so that user himself will handle moving them around, this way you can have loads of rooms with manually placed complex geometries, all treated like one graph. You can have per sub graph different linking methods, say for some works border proximity, for some you can set up a volume and only nodes inside that volume will be active , etc.

I did have something similar to what you are describing a long time ago. It was however removed because there were too many cases where it lead to undesirable edge cases. I still have the code however, I can send it to you if you are interested in having a go at it. I cannot guarantee that it will work out of the box however.

is there a repository somewhere? i mean its free, but i guess only you can decide to make it public repo or not. i would then fork it and take a look


I only have a private repository since the pro version is not free.
The code is only a hundred lines or so and it’s in a single method, so it shouldn’t be hard to merge it in.

kk then ill look at it

Here it is

I have not tested if it compiles, but if it doesn’t the changes shouldn’t be that large.
You will need to set autoLinkGrids to true and set the autoLinkDistLimit to approximately the same value as the node size.