Hi! Are there any tutorials for setting up unity 6 dots scenes with A*?
I have a very large number of agents and unity terrains in an RTS style game that I need to control movement for
Not getting any errors, it’s just not working
Also, do you support any sort of flow mapping for less precise herding style pathfinding?
I’m not seeing anything specifically for how to set up Astar in a DOTS game, however I did find this thread talking about it, albeit older. Looks like it’s got some good reading to it? I’ll also tag @aron_granberg- maybe I missed a resource? Granted, the FollowerEntity script is built on ECS, but as I don’t have enough experience as I should with DOTS (hopefully soon I’ll be able to look into it more) I can’t say for certain what the process for using FollowerEntity on an entity would look.
There’s also this section of the documentation about ECS, by the way. I don’t think it’s particularly useful for your question now, but it may be useful in the future!
Hmm I’m not sure if this is what you’re particularly asking for, but RVO kinda works like what I think you’re asking for? Sorta like a flocking behavior? Feel free to let me know what exactly you’re referring to with “flow mapping” and “herding style” and I’ll let you know what tools I know that are available!
The FollowerEntity movement script uses ECS behind the scenes, but looks and works just like a regular MonoBehaviour. It is not baked, so it cannot be added to subscenes.