Unity terrain question.. Need some help


I am pretty stuck and could use some help…

I have been working on a TD game for some time. I recently decided to switch from terrains made in Maya to using terrains made within Unity5.

My issue is this… Maya generated meshes scan flawlessly with A*, but I cannot seem to get A* to scan a Unity terrain with a terrain collision. I will get a completely flat grid graph, or a grid graph that isn’t properly aligned to the terrain artwork.

I am wondering if there is a specific workflow or specific settings to use when working with Unity generated terrains. If there is an existing thread here on the forum that addresses this issue , please point me to it… my searches have not revealed much to help me solve the issue.



Make sure that the terrain has a TerrainCollider attached to it and also make sure that the layer the terrain is in is included in the Height Testing mask on the grid graph settings.

Thanks for the reply Aron.

I finally figured out what I did wrong… My tinkerings with Unity terrains were really just tests, and I added A* and scanned the grid before I added detail to the terrain. I had to delete the cache, and re-scan. Everything is working again, and looking great!!
