Unity 5.0 issue, pathfinding works great in Editor but not in Build

Hi Aron,

I’m running into a puzzling problem where everything works great in Unity’s editor, but then when I build the game and run it, the pathfinding does nothing. I can’t figure out what’s going on.

I am working with a combination of JavaScript and C# for starters. And I’ve completely deleted and re-imported or re-installed the Astar Pathfinding Project folders and scripts several times, and tried several different folder configurations to try to get this to work but with no success.

At first, it was saying there was an error in the build due to a System.IO exception. And I’ve seen the error before where it turns out to have a problem with the GUI skins that come with the project for some reason. But then I completely deleted the project, re-installed it, made sure to run the API converter that comes with Unity 5.0, then made sure to press the “work with JavaScript” button on the Astar path script etc…

Several iterations of different file configurations later, and I can get it to build out pretty well with only some minor “warnings” but no errors. But the pathfinding in the actual build never works :frowning:

I’m not even sure how to diagnose it at this point. Any ideas on what I could try or do?


Does the log show any exceptions of any kind? (including stacktrace)

I don’t have access to Unity 5.0 yet, so I have not been able to test the system on that version.

Hi Aron,

It turned out to not be an issue with the A* pathfinding project at all (as far as I know). I was using Unity 5.0 beta9 where I was having the game-breaking issue, then as soon as I upgraded to Unity 5.0 beta14, the pathfinding worked again.

So I believe it was some sort of bug with the Unity engine itself – since upgrading Unity versions pretty much fixed it. I hate it when that happens. But that’s also very good that it’s not the pathfinding itself :slight_smile:

Thank you very much for the reply.