Unity 2019.4 LTS Stops AIPath working


I have just upgraded my project to the new 2019.4.01 LTS release, but now my agents will never find a path. AIPath debug states that ‘Path Pending’ is always true. I then went on to downgrade the project back to 2019.3.0f6 and agents are back working as normal. Are there any known issues with the 2019.4 release? I am using 4.3.26.



There are no known issues with that build.
Are you seeing any errors in the console?

No errors in the console no. Have just tried a fresh project in 2019.4 using your examples, and that is working okay. Trying the examples in my current project produces the same issue- path pending and no movement.

Not sure what the issue is. Will update you if I find it as might be relevant to other people.

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Okay so I had another look at this and turns out the issue is with the experimental ‘Enter Play Mode’ settings in Project Settings/Editor. If I enable ‘Reload Scene’ the pathfinding is working again. In 2019.3.0f6 I had both ‘Reload Domain’ and ‘Reload Scene’ off and had no issues, but some change in this setting in 2019.4.01 must have caused an issue.

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Ah. Yeah disabling both of those do cause issues.
In the current beta the inspector will show a big warning if both “Reload Scene” and “Reload Domain” is disabled. It’s tricky to support both of them at the same time.