Units don't move in runtime generated grid

Hi. I’m trying to make navigation work on a runtime-generated 2D level. I managed to make a grid on runtime, but I’m stuck on units not moving.

2 units on the left are supposed to move towards orange tank. Debug section of AILerp shows that a path is pending all the time.

And here is a script of the level generator:

    public class BattleGenerator : MonoBehaviour
        public SerializedDictionary<GameObject, GameObject[]> terrainToObstacles;

        public int size;
        private Dictionary<Vector2, bool> _occupiedByObstacle=new Dictionary<Vector2, bool>();
        public GameObject[] enemyTypes;
        public GameObject playerTank,ui;
        private const float _cellSize=0.64f;
        private List<GameObject> obstacleObjects = new List<GameObject>();

        private void Start()
            AstarData astarData = AstarPath.active.data;
            GridGraph gridGraph = astarData.AddGraph(typeof(GridGraph)) as GridGraph;
            gridGraph.SetDimensions(size*7, size*7,0.1f);
            gridGraph.center = new Vector3(size/2f*_cellSize-size, size/2f*_cellSize);
            gridGraph.collision.diameter = 6;
            gridGraph.is2D = true;
            gridGraph.collision.use2D = true;
            int randomInt = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 3);
            GameObject randomTerrain = new List<GameObject>(terrainToObstacles.Keys)[randomInt];
            GameObject[] obstacles = terrainToObstacles[randomTerrain];
            List<Vector2> allPositions = new List<Vector2>();
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
                    Vector2 position = new Vector2(i*_cellSize-size, j*_cellSize);
                    Instantiate(randomTerrain, position, Quaternion.identity);
                    if (Random.Range(0, 20) == 0)
                        GameObject obstacle=Instantiate(obstacles[Random.Range(0, obstacles.Length-1)],position,Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, Random.Range(0, 359)));

            int enemyCount = Random.Range(10, 20);
            int placedEnemies = 0;
            while (placedEnemies<enemyCount)
                GameObject enemy=Instantiate(enemyTypes[Random.Range(0, enemyTypes.Length - 1)],
                    allPositions[Random.Range(0, allPositions.Count / 2) - 1],
                    Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, Random.Range(0, 359)));

            bool playerPlaced = false;
            while (!playerPlaced)
                Vector2 randomLowerPosition =
                    allPositions[Random.Range((allPositions.Count / 2) - 1, allPositions.Count - 1)];
                if (!_occupiedByObstacle[randomLowerPosition])
                    GameObject player=Instantiate(playerTank, randomLowerPosition, Quaternion.identity);
                    playerPlaced = true;
                    ui.GetComponent<UserInterface>().tank = player;

Can I get help on this? I can’t find anything like this on the web.

Placed units and a grid manually, same problem. So it’s not a problem with code. Stuff on other scenes work, but not on this one.

I remade everything in a new scene and it’s working now. :neutral_face:

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