Tutorials that are relevant to latest version

Hi I bought the progression just recently and have looked at the suggested video tutorials and they don’t seem to tie up with the latest version. I have followed them twice but not working.
Please if anyone has a relevant tutorial on how to get an enemy to engage a player (basic stuff i would o thought) would be awesome… or at least point me in the right direction would be awesome.



The video tutorials are not made by me, the official docs (mostly text, no videos) are here: http://arongranberg.com/astar/docs/

Cheers thats great will give them the once over, maybe more.
Is there anything on OnEnterTriggers, using colliders? or an example that uses trigger and way point.
I would ideally like to get a enemy to patrol then if a collider is entered to activate the path finding.




No there is nothing on that since that is more of a general Unity topic. You can take a look at the Unity documentation here: https://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/modules/beginner/physics/colliders-as-triggers

Essentially what you want to do is to set the “target” field of the AIPath (or RichAI) component to wherever you want your enemy to go.


