- A* version: 5.3.0
- Unity version: 6000.0.11f1
I have a hexagon grid based application derived from your Turnbased example. I have two units that can move around the grid just fine, but I noticed that they are not blocking each other as they should.
Digging in, I discovered that I had not set iTraversalProvider before starting StartPath. I set it in Awake as in the demo, traversalProvider = new BlockManager.TraversalProvider(blockManager, BlockManager.BlockMode.AllExceptSelector, new List() { blocker });
When I go start the path, it never it makes it out of AstarPath.BlockUntilCalculated().
I get kicked with four errors.
UnityException: ToString can only be called from the main thread.
Unhandled exception during pathfinding. Terminating.
Error : This part should never be reached.Exception: Pathfinding Threads seem to have crashed.
Exception: Pathfinding Threads seem to have crashed.
AstarPath.BlockUntilCalculated (Pathfinding.Path path) (at ./Packages/com.arongranberg.astar/Core/AstarPath.cs:1969)
In the Pathfinder settings I have Thread Count to Auomatic Low Load. If I set it to none, the error doesn’t happen.