Suggession add function for NavmeshCut change graphMask


in my game login , i need manualy add NavmeshCut to gameobject to cut special layer

navCut = gameObject.AddComponent<NavmeshCut>();
navCut.rectangleSize = new Vector2(3, 3);
navCut.graphMask = GraphMask.FromGraphName("CustomName");

//This three line must add together to make it work
navCut.enabled = false;
navCut.enabled = true;

first try only call navCut.ForceUpdate() but can’t get the right result.

so i check the code in NavmeshCutEditor

if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) {
	foreach (NavmeshCut tg in targets) {
		// If the mask is changed we disable and then enable the component
		// to make sure it is removed from the right graphs and then added back
		if (changedMask && tg.enabled) {
			tg.enabled = false;
			tg.enabled = true;

it look like need call

navCut.enabled = false;
navCut.enabled = true;

three line together to get it work.

so . maybe it’s good to add a fcuntion or hook the graphMask set function to get a better experience?
