Still bumping into eachother


I am working hard on finding a solution where the agents dont run into the backs of idle agents.
My best solution is using a NavMesh cut so far when idle. As Locked when stopped doesnt seem to make a difference, nor can I seem to find a way to spoof the nav system to think the agent is still moving. :frowning:

I am very close to achieving the desired behavior, but still the agents like to “bump” into eachothers back’s a little too much for my taste.
Could you suggest a way to make the greenpath not so close to other agents? Or even a bit randomized? Increasing the radius has bigger undesired behavior where they endlessly run into eachothers backs thinking they can get thru small gaps for some reason.

Could you suggest a way to make the greenpath not so close to other agents?

Maybe increase the size of the navmesh cuts?

hmmm The bigger it gets, the more dramatic the cuts to the graph, and the less agents can encircle the player, the ones that cant find a spot around him in a make-shift circle just run mindlessly into the back of the crowd getting stuck on nothing then