I will try to describe my problem in great detail because I’m probably not the only one who will benefit from the answer. Thanks in advance
I want to integrate FollowerEntity into the Ultimate Character Controller (UCC) asset. UCC already has built-in integration with other components implementing IAstarAI (RichAI, AILerp, etc.), which is based on the steps in this order:
- Awake() →
canMove = false
- Update() → calling
, modifying the returned values and assigning them to the variablesVector2 m_inputVector
andVector3 m_DeltaRotation
/// <summary>
/// Updates the ability.
/// </summary>
public override void Update()
m_IAstarAIAgent.MovementUpdate(Time.fixedDeltaTime, out m_NextPosition, out m_NextRotation);
var localVelocity = m_Transform.InverseTransformDirection((m_NextPosition - m_CharacterLocomotion.Position) / Time.fixedDeltaTime);
localVelocity.y = 0;
// Only move if a path exists.
m_InputVector = Vector2.zero;
if (m_IAstarAIAgent.hasPath && localVelocity.sqrMagnitude > 0.01f && m_IAstarAIAgent.remainingDistance > 0.01f) {
// Only normalize if the magnitude is greater than 1. This will allow the character to walk.
if (localVelocity.sqrMagnitude > 1) {
m_InputVector.x = localVelocity.x;
m_InputVector.y = localVelocity.z;
var rotation = m_NextRotation * Quaternion.Inverse(m_Transform.rotation);
m_DeltaRotation.y = Utility.MathUtility.ClampInnerAngle(rotation.eulerAngles.y);
- Some internal UCC logic, takes previously cached m_inputVector and m_DeltaRotation, and modifies them, and saves the final movement in
. - LateUpdate() → calling
/// <summary>
/// Notify IAStarAI of the final position and rotation after the movement is complete.
/// </summary>
public override void LateUpdate()
m_IAstarAIAgent.FinalizeMovement(m_CharacterLocomotion.Position, m_CharacterLocomotion.Rotation);
From the documentation, it seems that FollowerEntity does not support MovementUpdate or FinalizeMovement functions, instead it gives the ability to modify the movement using MovementOverrides callbacks. I tried to somehow logically split the existing logic, but unfortunately, it does not work out. I also took inspiration from the MecanimBridge component from A* Pathfinding Project examples.
MecanimBridge code:
void MovementOverride (Entity entity, float dt, ref LocalTransform localTransform, ref AgentCylinderShape shape, ref AgentMovementPlane movementPlane, ref DestinationPoint destination, ref MovementState movementState, ref MovementSettings movementSettings, ref MovementControl movementControl, ref ResolvedMovement resolvedMovement) {
var desiredVelocity = math.normalizesafe(resolvedMovement.targetPoint - localTransform.Position) * resolvedMovement.speed;
var currentRotation = movementPlane.value.ToPlane(localTransform.Rotation);
var deltaRotationSpeed = AstarMath.DeltaAngle(currentRotation, resolvedMovement.targetRotation);
deltaRotationSpeed = Mathf.Sign(deltaRotationSpeed) * Mathf.Clamp01(Mathf.Abs(deltaRotationSpeed) / math.max(0.001f, dt * resolvedMovement.rotationSpeed));
deltaRotationSpeed = -deltaRotationSpeed * resolvedMovement.rotationSpeed;
smoothedRotationSpeed = Mathf.Lerp(smoothedRotationSpeed, deltaRotationSpeed, angularVelocitySmoothing > 0 ? dt / angularVelocitySmoothing : 1);
// Calculate the desired velocity relative to the character (+Z = forward, +X = right)
var localDesiredVelocity = localTransform.InverseTransformDirection(desiredVelocity);
localDesiredVelocity.y = 0;
smoothedVelocity = Vector3.Lerp(smoothedVelocity, localDesiredVelocity, velocitySmoothing > 0 ? dt / velocitySmoothing : 1);
if (smoothedVelocity.magnitude < 0.4f) {
smoothedVelocity = smoothedVelocity.normalized * 0.4f;
var normalizedRotationSpeed = movementSettings.follower.maxRotationSpeed > 0 ? Mathf.Rad2Deg * Mathf.Abs(resolvedMovement.rotationSpeed) / movementSettings.follower.maxRotationSpeed : 0;
var normalizedSpeed = movementSettings.follower.speed * naturalSpeed > 0 ? resolvedMovement.speed / naturalSpeed : 0;
// Combine the normalized rotation speed and normalized speed such that either of them being large, results in the input magnitude being large.
// This is to ensure that even if the agent wants to almost rotate on the spot, the input magnitude will still be large.
var inputMagnitude = Mathf.Min(1, Mathf.Sqrt(normalizedSpeed*normalizedSpeed + normalizedRotationSpeed*normalizedRotationSpeed));
anim.SetFloat(InputMagnitudeKeyHash, inputMagnitude);
anim.SetFloat(XAxisKeyHash, smoothedRotationSpeed);
anim.SetFloat(YAxisKeyHash, smoothedVelocity.z);
// Calculate how much the agent should rotate during this frame
var nextPosition = localTransform.Position;
var nextRotation = localTransform.Rotation;
// Apply rotational root motion
nextRotation = anim.deltaRotation * nextRotation;
nextPosition += (float3)anim.deltaPosition;
resolvedMovement.targetPoint = nextPosition;
resolvedMovement.targetRotation = movementPlane.value.ToPlane(nextRotation);
// target rotation speed?
resolvedMovement.speed = math.length(nextPosition - localTransform.Position) / math.max(0.001f, dt);
I currently have this:
private Vector2 _inputVector;
private Vector3 _deltaRotation;
public float velocitySmoothing = 1;
public float angularVelocitySmoothing = 1;
float smoothedRotationSpeed;
Vector3 smoothedVelocity;
private Vector3 newDeltaRotation;
private Vector2 newInputVector;
private bool newValues;
private Vector3 locomotionPosition;
private Quaternion locomotionRotation;
/// <summary>
/// Initialize the default values.
/// </summary>
public override void Awake()
if (_astarAI is not FollowerEntity entity)
_astarAI.canMove = false;
_isFollowerEntityAI = true;
_followerEntity = entity;
/// <summary>
/// Updates the ability.
/// </summary>
public override void Update()
if (_isFollowerEntityAI)
newValues = false;
_inputVector = newInputVector;
_deltaRotation = newDeltaRotation;
// newPositionVector = float3.zero;
// newRotationValue = 0f;
// The rest of the code that supports other AIMovement than FollowerEntity.
// ...
/// <summary>
/// Notify IAStarAI of the final position and rotation after the movement is complete.
/// </summary>
public override void LateUpdate()
if (_isFollowerEntityAI)
locomotionPosition = m_CharacterLocomotion.Position;
locomotionRotation = m_CharacterLocomotion.Rotation;
syncMovement = true;
_astarAI.FinalizeMovement(m_CharacterLocomotion.Position, m_CharacterLocomotion.Rotation);
private void OverrideMovement(Entity entity, float dt, ref LocalTransform localTransform, ref AgentCylinderShape shape, ref AgentMovementPlane movementPlane, ref DestinationPoint destination, ref MovementState movementState, ref MovementSettings movementSettings, ref MovementControl movementControl, ref ResolvedMovement resolvedMovement)
float3 desiredVelocity = math.normalizesafe(resolvedMovement.targetPoint - localTransform.Position) * resolvedMovement.speed;
float currentRotation = movementPlane.value.ToPlane(localTransform.Rotation);
float deltaRotationSpeed = AstarMath.DeltaAngle(currentRotation, resolvedMovement.targetRotation);
deltaRotationSpeed = Mathf.Sign(deltaRotationSpeed) * Mathf.Clamp01(Mathf.Abs(deltaRotationSpeed) / math.max(0.001f, dt * resolvedMovement.rotationSpeed));
deltaRotationSpeed = -deltaRotationSpeed * resolvedMovement.rotationSpeed;
smoothedRotationSpeed = Mathf.Lerp(smoothedRotationSpeed, deltaRotationSpeed, angularVelocitySmoothing > 0 ? dt / angularVelocitySmoothing : 1);
// Calculate the desired velocity relative to the character (+Z = forward, +X = right)
float3 localDesiredVelocity = localTransform.InverseTransformDirection(desiredVelocity);
localDesiredVelocity.y = 0;
smoothedVelocity = Vector3.Lerp(smoothedVelocity, localDesiredVelocity, velocitySmoothing > 0 ? dt / velocitySmoothing : 1);
if (smoothedVelocity.magnitude < 0.4f) {
smoothedVelocity = smoothedVelocity.normalized * 0.4f;
float rotationChange = smoothedRotationSpeed * dt;
newDeltaRotation.y = rotationChange;
newInputVector = new Vector2(smoothedRotationSpeed, smoothedVelocity.z);
newValues = true;
if (syncMovement)
// ... ?
resolvedMovement.targetPoint = (float3)locomotionPosition;
resolvedMovement.targetRotation = movementPlane.value.ToPlane(locomotionRotation);
resolvedMovement.speed = math.length(locomotionPosition - (Vector3)localTransform.Position) / math.max(0.001f, dt);
syncMovement = false;
Result (enable fullscreen):
It doesn’t work properly. I tried to split it logically like this:
- Awake() →
canMove = true
- Update() → updated values
based on the values calculated in the last OverrideMovement() function call. - OverrideMovement() → calculates values
, which will then be used in point 1. and updates resolvedMovement with the values cached in the last LateUpdate() call - LateUpdate() → caches
, so that OverrideMovement can use them to update its position.
Maybe I should break it down differently or maybe I’m close to a solution, but I’m just assigning the wrong values? I’m very interested in the answer, as I’m sure anyone who wants to use FollowerEntity with a UCC asset will.
Thanks again