Some questions about FollowerEntity

  • A* version: [5.1.6]
  • Unity version: [2022.3.34f1c1]

Hello developer
I met some problems in the development, I hope you can give me some help, thank you

  1. If I want to use FollowerEntity in an online game, will it have synchronization problems
  2. The unit to which FollowerEntity is mounted, such as an enemy, dies, how should I set up FollowerEntity and throw it into the object pool to appear reasonable
  3. How can I set up FollowerEntity to make it look smarter, as shown below, and I want it to pass by



Question 3 is caused by the Use of Navmesh As Obstacle in RVO Simulator. Is it a bug?

You should be fine here- I used Astar with Netcode for GameObjects without much issue with sync. As long as only the owner is controlling the movement, and the other players are getting exclusively positional and rotational info, you should be fine.

I just double checked my game and when I returned an agent to the pool I simply set them as disabled, and enabled them when they returned. Don’t recall having any pathfinding issues with object pooling.

I’m not fully understanding what the desired behavior is. Is the triangle/fanning position not intentional?

Thank you for your help,I want them to come from the side, But they will remain the same,It seems the front unit is blocked

Can you provide a screenshot of your scene, maybe there are other objects in their way? Hard to tell from the screenshot