(Solved) Confirmed closestOnPath Bug

The closestOnPathCheck needed to be disabled because there seems to be an infinite loop when it reaches CalculateVelocity (p1);

I dunno if I messed something up or what, but this was the problem for me at least.

The original symptoms were a build that froze or locked up when it ran. This happened for both mobile (android), and windows.

My project is set up with a RecastGraph that I scan ahead of time and export to a zip file. I then change the extension to .bytes and put it in my resources folder where it is loaded from.

This works fine within Unity. But when I build the project for Android or PC, path returns null. I think the bytes data isn’t getting corrupted, I checked that.

Any input is appreciated. Thanks.

After investigating the issue further, I can see that there is a valid path being created in Seeker, but when it’s returned through seeker.StartPath it’s null. I have no idea why this is happening.

Update: Seems like the path being created isn’t really complete. Picture included. Both windows and android builds aren’t working.
Update2: The closest I’ve gotten to the problem so far is StartPath in AstarPath. In unity it works fine, in any build Path isn’t fully set up. StartNode returns null among other things.

Yeah, that sounds like a bug, so that would be very welcome.


Nothing executes after the callback. Yet p seems to be solid. I’m getting the right values back for it there. UnityEditor values (where it runs perfectly), compared with any release version.

This code is in Seeker.OnPathComplete (Path p, bool runModifiers, bool sendCallbacks)

I made a skeleton build and cleaned it up a bit, emailed you with a dropbox link. .apk and unitypackage are inside.


This discussion is marked as “solved”. Did you solve it? Because the last comment doesn’t sound like it was solved.

Sorry, I just updated the first post at around 5pm today. Yeah it’s fixed. If you want me to try and give you a version that replicates it, I might be able to.

Although, if you can explain why the code executed after “closestOnPathCheck” causes an infinite loop for builds only, I’d really appreciate that.