SolidMesh Size support

Is there a reason why we don’t have support for size in SolidMesh callback or was this just overlooked?
Can you please add support for that in the callback itself along with rotation and position because I don’t always have a transform or its matrix to use to define a local scope for it.


I don’t want to add too many overloads of methods unless they are used often. If I add an option it will probably be for either a Matrix4x4 or a set of position, rotation and scale.

Note however that in the current version there is a bug which causes SolidMesh to always be rendered at the world origin. This will be fixed in the next version.

Note that (in the next version) you can use a scope to set the scale, even though it may be a bit verbose

using (Draw.WithMatrix(Matrix4x4.Scale( * 5))) {
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