
So… I’ve got a plane, 10/1/10, the graph’s all nicely lined up and appears to be calculating nicely. I’m generating a 10x10 grid of cubes to fit directly overtop, all 1x1x1, and I’m instantiating a few at random for obstacles, and it’s all working great so far… except two things, and I’m sure I’m missing something stupidly simple but I’d appreciate some help. I’m just using the seeker script, and the AstarAI sample script.

First, when the object is pathing to the desired location, when it gets ~1 unit away, the speed drops to a fraction of what it was, almost like it’s shuffling on the spot. It’s moving 0.000001 or something per second, but enough to notice. The console’s spitting out completed, time 0.00ms searched nodes 0 path length one, path number X (increasing by one forever).

The second I think I just figured out so let’s just pretend I only asked for the one thing I’ve been getting stuck on the past several days :stuck_out_tongue:



I am not sure exactly how you have configured your obstacles, but make sure that they are actually above the nodes, not the spaces between the nodes. When using “Show Graphs”, a node is where multiple lines meet, it is not the outlines of the nodes that is shown. This might make it look like there is a 0.5 unit offset from the target position and where the unit is actually headed.

Also, you could try using any of the included AI scripts like for example AIPath. That might give you better results.

PS: Sorry for the late answer, I have been away for a while and haven’t been able to answer many forum posts.