Seeker returning paths that don't end on a node

  • A* version: [3.8.6]
  • Unity version: [2022.3.13f1]

I realise this is an ancient version of AStar, and I’m willing to update if it will fix this issue, but I’d rather not if possible.

I’m using a grid graph with the settings shown below. When I ask for paths to every node in the unit’s movement range (using a MultiTargetPath that gets passed a list of positions) some of the paths I get back don’t end on a node. For example if I ask for a path from (2.5,1,2.5) to (3.5,1,4.5), I might get back a path that ends at (3.5, 1, 4). It looks like those are paths where the last node was blocked by a collider but I haven’t fully checked that yet.

Any idea why that would be happening?

Yeah this is version is from eight years ago. I would highly recommend updating unless you have some specific for using such an old version?

That said, I looked through the patch notes and here are some relevant changes that were introduced in 4.0. This is only from a year after your version so it may be worth a look into in a duplicated project.

  • Implemented special case for paths on grid graphs so that if you request a path to an unwalkable node with several walkable nodes around it, it will now not pick the closest walkable node to the requested target point and find a path to that but it will find the shortest path which goes to any of the walkable nodes around the unwalkable node. Before, After . This is a special case of the MultiTargetPath, for more complicated configurations of targets the multi target path needs to be used to be able to handle it correctly.

I tried updating, but

This version of Unity has a bug which causes components in the A* Pathfinding Project to randomly stop working. Please update to unity 2022.3.21 or later.

That’s going to be an issue.


That version is indeed ancient. I’m sorry, but I don’t even remember enough from that time to be able to help you. I would strongly recommend upgrading if possible.

Yeah, completely fair. We’re upgrading to Unity 6 in the spring and I’m going to take advantage of that to update AStar as well.

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Best of luck there, please let us know if you have any complications with the upgrade. As a note, here’s a guide for upgrading an older codebase to 5.0 that may be useful!