Seeker appears to ignore the traversable graphs setting

I have two graphs setup and a small test maze with two paths aof different widths. The path for smaller agents is faster. But the seeker takes the fastest route no matter what graph it’s set to, including “none”.
The following code is called in start, both seekers have this script attached and im getting no errors. Both Seekers are in the same place, but are different objects to avoid accidentl getting incorrect references. GlobalData.enemTarget is just two vectors positioned at the maze exits.

        path = seeker.StartMultiTargetPath(transform.position, GlobalData.enemyTarget.ToArray(), pathsForAll: false, callback: null);

The grey line is just a line renderer tracing the path,


Hmm. The StartMultiTargetPath method is indeed quite confusing at the moment.
It takes an optional graphMask parameter, but even if that mask is not passed, it will override the Seeker’s own graph mask.
I’ll change this in the next update.
In the meantime, you can do:

path = seeker.StartMultiTargetPath(transform.position, GlobalData.enemyTarget.ToArray(), pathsForAll: false, callback: null, graphMask: seeker.graphMask);
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Thanks ill give that a try. I didn’t realize it took a graphmask. I found it on the Path Types - A* Pathfinding Project Page. When you have time might be worth mentioning it there too.