Scan works. Walkable = false, UpdateGridConnections does not


When I select a player, I change its layer to “Agent” to “Active Agent”. “Active Agent” is not in Scan Layers, so the node where is the player changes its walkable param to true and the avatar can go out from its node. Everything works fine.

But this approach is expensive, so I have decided to change the Scan by myNode.walkable = true. myNode.UpdateGridConnections(). This approach does not work.

So the question is.

Is there any update in scan method I should call to make this working?

I know this is a vague question, but I don’t know where to start searching.

P.S: I’ve tried with myNode.UpdateNeighbourConnections(), but there’s not different.

Thank you

Ok, I’ll ask in another way:

I have a class that inherits from GridNode.
If I want to change its walkability is it enough with?

private void Walkable(bool isWalkable)
	this.walkable = isWalkable;

Or I have to create GraphUpdateObject, do a Scan or something else to the pathfinding works correctly?