Hi there!
I am a student in game design, and I’ll be working on an RTS on clouds, which can be considered as moving platforms, moving independently from each other.
If I’m not wrong, this cannot be done by the classic Unity’s pathfinding (I cannot bake navmesh) neither with the free version of A* pathfinding, for the same reason.
Can I do that with the complete version? Won’t it be too costly?
That depends on the scale of it and most importantly: will the characters be able to walk between the clouds?
If they do not need to move between clouds, there is an example scene in the pro version called “Moving” which does exactly what you want. It uses some trickery to instead of moving the graph, it calculates coordinates in platform-local space to perform pathfinding on.
Thanks for the answer!
Units should be able to move from one cloud to another if they are in contact. I guess that the “Moving” scene do not work that way?
No it does not.
It will be very tricky to do this out of the box… (well, without very large performance penalties anyway). I think that this type of pathfinding will require some specialized code to do the pathfinding as it is not exactly a common situation and I don’t think it can be handled by the library right now.