Hello all,
I am very confused as to how to get the agents to get moving. I am trying to port the code from NavMesh to this. I assume CharacterController should do the job but I have a rigidbody attached to the gameobject which breaks it all afaik. RVO Controller as far as I could see could be the alternative so that I don’t change the rigidbody part but it’s not working.
I have set the RichAI on the prefab, added the Seeker, put the speeds and everything and here’s the code:
if( m_AgentMovement != null )
m_AgentMovement.isStopped = false;
m_AgentMovement.maxSpeed = m_Data.MovementSpeed;
m_TargetPosition = new Vector3(
m_Target.transform.position.x + m_HordePosition.Position.x,
m_Target.transform.position.z + m_HordePosition.Position.z
//m_AgentMovement.onSearchPath += Update;
m_AgentMovement.destination = m_TargetPosition; //I tried adding that to an Update as well to no avail
m_Controller.SetTarget( m_TargetPosition, m_AgentMovement.maxSpeed,m_AgentMovement.maxSpeed );
public override void Update()
if( m_AgentMovement.hasPath )
Debug.DrawLine( p_Intelligence.transform.position, m_TargetPosition, Color.red );
if( m_AgentMovement.remainingDistance <= m_AgentMovement.endReachedDistance )
Isn’t there a way to get movement without CharacterController?