RichAI MoveToAction Interactable.cs

Hi, I am trying to create a interaction for my Rich ai using UUC and I want to use rotation on interaction. Can you help me create it or provide code that is available?

			public override IEnumerator<CoroutineAction> Execute (IAstarAI ai) {
				var dest = destination.position;
				if (useRotation && ai is FollowerEntity follower) {
					follower.SetDestination(dest, destination.rotation * Vector3.forward);
				} else
					if (useRotation) Debug.LogError("useRotation is only supported for FollowerEntity agents", ai as MonoBehaviour);
					ai.destination = dest;

Hi there, would love to help here how I can- really quick can you tell me what you meant by ‘using UUC’? I am not familiar with the term and searches revealed nothing unfortunately.

sorry my bad, i meant to type UCC Opsive Ultimate Character Controller.

Oh okay, thank you for clarifying that. What’s the context for the rotation? While moving, just rotating on the spot, etc?