Hi all,
I’m developing a VR god game for my post-graduate course and I’m using the freely available version of the A* plugin to handle navigation as it suits my needs quite nicely. After initially using one large grid graph to handle AI navigation for the entire scene I decided to instead instantiate a small grid graph for every AI agent as it saves a great deal of processing due to the much lower node count. However, despite getting a modified form of the ProceduralGridMover script working for a single AI agent I noticed that having multiple agents would cause the script to fail to update the position of the associated graph. As a result of this failure, the modified script would send a message to my console that reads “ArgumentException: You are releasing a path which has not been claimed with this object (AStarPrefab(Clone) (AstarPath)). Are you releasing the path with the same object twice?
Check out the documentation on path pooling for help.”
As I’m very much a beginner here, I don’t really understand what path pooling is, how to do it, or even if it’d work in my case. I’d very much like to know if I’m on the right track with using individual grids for each AI and I’d greatly appreciate any help you could give me as returning to using a single graph would drastically reduce performance.