Recommended Setup

I’m looking for recommendations on general setup for my game. Any help appreciated.

  • I generate the world at runtime from 3D tiles about 4x4 to 8x8 meters/units in size. The world max size is about 250x250 and is rectilinear for the most part.
  • I want enemies to purse the player across tiles.
  • I want the enemies to avoid walls and each other (RVO).

Grid graph is the simplest to use but I had trouble with enemies moving through walls using AIPath and it the enemies were quite jittery in their movement.

I also tried Recast, and with the beta, the enemies didn’t move through walls but the path they used was strange sometimes and went in a roundabout zig-zag way.

I hear good things about Navmesh but I don’t know if this will work with generated tile-based world?

Any tips appreciated :slight_smile:



I think it will work with a navmesh/recast based solution.
Just make sure you add the Funnel Modifier to the characters to get rid of the zigzagging.
Check out this tutorial in the beta documentation: