Recast grid is being a bit buggy

Hey Guys!! I just payed for my A* Pro tools… and I have started having a small issue with the Recast grid~

My seeker is … not making sense… and seems to be walking in the middle of all the Navmesh lines??

Here is a Image of it~

If you have any idea what the error is, it would help my sanity SO MUCH… Also if you have working seeker code for Navmesh’s or Recastgrids (Seeing as there almost the same thing) that would help a lot too!

And my code (Without turning and … some other stuff) is

``` ` using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using Pathfinding;

public class MoveWtihPath: MonoBehaviour {

public CharacterController MyCharacterController; //Var for This-> CharacterController
public Path MyPath;

public Transform TargetPosition; // Where is the next *macro* waypoint, or end of path, is
public Vector3 CurentTarget; // This is where my unit is going right now:
public int NextGridSpace;// This is the waypoint in the pathing grid 

public float UnitSpeed = 8f; 

public float Smoothing = .6f;// Lets the unit skip to the next Grid Waypoint when at this distance 

private Seeker seeker;

public void Start () {
	seeker = GetComponent<Seeker>();//Gets Seeker Component off of this object
	seeker.StartPath (transform.position, TargetPosition.position, OnPathComplete);//Makes a path
	MyCharacterController = GetComponent<CharacterController>();//Gets CharacterController on this Gameobject
	CurentTarget = TargetPosition.position;

public void OnPathComplete (Path p) {
	if (!p.error){
		MyPath = p;
		NextGridSpace = 0
	else {	
		Debug.Log (p.error);

public void FixedUpdate() {

	// If we have no path to take, return
	if (MyPath == null){
	if (TargetPosition.position != CurentTarget){

		seeker.StartPath (transform.position, TargetPosition.position, OnPathComplete);//Makes a path
		CurentTarget = TargetPosition.position;

	// Lower Smoothing so you end on the final waypoint
	if (NextGridSpace >= (MyPath.vectorPath.Count-1)){ 
		Smoothing = 0.1f;

	if (NextGridSpace >= MyPath.vectorPath.Count){ 
	//If where I am now is the end of the path...Reset Smooting, and Return (And add *Move to next waypoint* later) 
		Smoothing = .6f;
		Debug.Log("End Of Path");
	// The direction to the next waypoint -- -- Normalize makes the Vector (IE: 0,0,50) all in values of 1 -- * our speed 
	Vector3 Direction = (MyPath.vectorPath[NextGridSpace]-transform.position).normalized * UnitSpeed * Time.fixedDeltaTime;
	//Moves Unit to the next waypoint on the grid!

           *Removed for easier reading*
	//--------Move to next waypoint when done-----------//
	//If we are at the point (NextGridSpace) .... Go the next gridspace on the list.
	if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, MyPath.vectorPath[NextGridSpace]) <= Smoothing ){
	//--------Move to next waypoint when done-----------//



` ```

Great! Thanks~ That should have been easy for me to figure out XP

… It looks like im getting the center of the triangles … Whats the correct way to do this?

What you see is the path through the nodes of your grid. The nodes are always in the geometric middle of the vertices.

Add the funnel modifier and you will get a smooth path. Funnel modifier is in the modifiers directory.