Questions about your A*

Hi! i’m trying to make a Enemy AI with a proper path-finding algorithm enables the AI to escape and research for the player whenever the AI gets stuck. I got your free version A* from the asset store and wondering if you could help me understand some stuffs…

the thing is, using the float speed; on the AIPath.cs, as a variable that triggers the mechanim, how can i modify it to stop or rather zero the speed when the AI reaches the target.

I am not quite sure what you mean.

Are you saying that you want to use the velocity of the character to determine the animation to use in mechanim?

i already solved the issue. i just added some triggers for the mecanim thnx though.

is it just me or does the grid path disappears if i have a UI Canvas on my game objects? i noticed it when i tried making my GUI, then whenever i try my scene, the AI losses the target. when i don’t play the scene, the grid path reappears again.

Huh. I have no idea what could cause a UI canvas to change anything. It really shouldn’t interfere with the system.