I’ve been toying with the free version of this great project for a couple of days now. Using grid graphs mostly. I’m thinking of buying the asset from the store for the multithreading and runtime updating but I’ve got a couple of questions that I’d like to get some answers for.
- Is there an out of the box way (or some known convenient hack / workaround) of penalizing or denying the AI from moving up steep enough hills but still allowing downhill (of similar steepness) movement at the same time?
And as a similar kind of question, what would be the best way of prioritizing a certain route for an agent? Say for example making an agent prefer areas that have been marked as roads but still allow areas not marked as roads?
- Is it possible to have 2 grids (with differences) on the same terrain and and then switch (in code, based on some trigger etc.) which grid an agent uses at a certain time?
Would greatly appreciate any answers or ideas!
Thank you!