Question about the shape of the hexagonal grid map

The hexagonal map looks like below, which is not a rectangle, in my project I only use the yellow part thus the left and right part’s nodes are useless, would it be possible that generates the rectangular (only the yellow part) hexagonal map?


It’s not possible to remove that part, I’m afraid. That part is necessary, as the hexagonal graph is internally represented by a slanted rectangular grid.

I suggest adding a new field for user to choose how to represent the hexagonal graph internally. something like “standard rectangular grid” which maps his position to unity tilemap exactly with the button called “align to tilemap”.To me it is very rare to see a game which used a slanted rectangular grid.


It is done this way because that is how the data is represented in a grid graph. If I had used a non-slanted hexagonal graph, I would not be able to re-use the code for the grid graph, resulting in significantly more code and complexity.