I’m developing a 2.5d game, where a ghost follows a player. The player moves in x,y or z,y never 3D but in a 3D world if that makes sense. My query is whether I can use A* to create a 3D navmesh? as in fill this trigger (convex shape with nodes) then allow A* to plot route accordingly.
Anyway, I have bought this in the sale. Even if its not right for this project, its the best thing I have downloaded in the Unity Asset store.
So is this a top down game or a platformer?
It’s kinda hard to tell from your description.
Ok. For platformers I recommend that you use a point graph, you create point nodes (with some tag) with regularly spaced intervals on the platforms.
Platformer support is not great in the current version, I aim to improve it in future versions of the project.
You can also use a grid graph, in that case you might be interested in http://www.rocket5studios.com/tutorials/make-a-2d-game-with-unity3d-using-only-free-tools-beginning-enemy-ai-with-a-pathfinding/
Excellent reply, the point graph is exactly what I need, will play around tomorrow and see how it all works 
Is there any performance hit for creatint say 500 cubes (with the mesh renderer turned off) in scene?
Creating 500 cubes is not the fastest, but it’s not particularly slow, I don’t know exactly how slow, I guess you will have to test it.
(preferably you should delete the MeshRenderer on them if you are not using it).
If you are using lots of nodes I recommend that you turn on the ‘optimisation’ options on the point graph.