Is there a way to use Quadtree graphs? Astarpath graph generator just shows a grey button “QuadtreeGraph (no editor found)”. After a bit of investigation it seems that the project package is missing a script QuadtreeGraphEditor.cs (AstarPathfindingProject/Editor/GraphEditors/QuadtreeGraphEditor.cs);
I have a latest beta version (3.6.8). I also downloaded a non-beta stable version and it’s missing the script as well.
That’s likely an old script. Unitypackages will not delete scripts when you import them, so likely I included the quadtree graph a long time ago (shouldn’t have been included) and then I removed it, but you still have it if you have just been upgrading using UnityPackages.
Thanks for your reply!
Why did you decide to remove quadtree graphs? Is it something you will never consider as a graph type again? Seems to me that it is a highly efficient solution. I’m confused
They were never fully implemented. They shouldn’t have been included in any release version.
Yeah, it is a nice solution, but it takes a lot of effort to maintain a new graph type and recast graph are nice for most of the same environments that quadtrees are nice for.
They have some quirks though and can generate paths that are very suboptimal sometimes since it often happens that very small nodes are close to very large nodes.