Problems with nonwalkable box colliders in Recast graph generation

I’m in the middle of upgrading from version 4 to version 5 and I’m seeing some weirdness around unwalkable box colliders and the recast graph generated around them. I’m using very large box colliders to cut through terrain to mark unwalkable areas under water. Previously this would result in the navmesh being generated a bit away from the waters edge as if there was a wall there and is what I expect. You can see that here:

Now in version 5 the navmesh is being generated right up until it touches the top of the box collider causing the edge of the graph to run past the edge of the terrain and over the water. This is unexpected behavior for me. You can see what that looks like here:

I have noticed a similar situation where instead of a box collider there is a mush collider cutting through the terrain and the navmesh generation behaves as expected like it did in version 4.

Is this expected behavior? Are there settings somewhere where I can get the previous behavior back? Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Do you have a screenshot of how those box colliders are set up?

The box colliders are setup like this:

And the graph is setup like this:

I did a little more investigation with the mesh colliders if I mark the mesh collider as solid I get the same undesirable behavior but if I don’t mark it as solid then the navmesh generation acts as I would expect.

Here’s with non-solid (what I want):

I think it’s related to this piece of code, in the old 4.x version I was using there was a constant 4 here and now in version 5.x it’s using voxelWalkableClimb which is around 111 in my situation which seems like a huge difference, is that value expected to be that large?

EDIT: After a lot of testing, switching this number back to a flat 4 gets the navmesh generation to look the same between the two versions.