Problem reaching destination using getting started example

The path is computed properly at first with a green line from the start to the destination.

About ten seconds into following the path the green line disappears completely and the messaging in the console:

Goes from being successful:
Path Completed : Computation Time 16.25 ms Searched Nodes 5417 Path Length 204
Path Failed : Computation Time 0.00 ms Searched Nodes 0
Error: Couldn’t find a close node to the end point

Doe anyone know what is going wrong?


That means the nearest node to the target point for the AI is too far away (how far away is determined by the A* Inspector -> Settings -> Max Nearest Node Distance). Are you sure the target point is on a reasonable spot?

If you cannot get it to work, a screenshot/video would be helpful.

Ok, so a slight correction to my earlier statement

.[quote=“aron_granberg, post:2, topic:3300”]
That means the nearest node to the target point for the AI is too far away (how far away is determined by the A* Inspector -> Settings -> Max Nearest Node Distance). Are you sure the target point is on a reasonable spot?

It should be “That means there is no node close enough to the target point that the AI can reach from the closest node to where it starts from”. I think what happens is that the AI thinks it is closer to those nodes on the wall than the ones on the road, but it cannot reach the target point from the wall. I would suggest that you mark your walls as obstacles to make sure that they are not detected as ground.

I changed the wall to be an obstacle, but can’t get past it.

It looks like I have got it working. I shifted the Grid Graph by 0.5 in the on both the X and Z axes and it made it to the destination.

Thanks for the help.

Great that you got it working.
Yeah, shifting it by 0.5 was a good idea. I see now that your node centers were right at the edges of the walls.